#eye #eye
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The system is based on fixed framework and mutable thresholds that accommodates fluidity and change;
the plots are non programmed based, each providing the necessary services,
such as gas, ventilation, water supply, drainage, electricity, and floor heating, allowing the users to inhabit the space however they want.

The way to inhabit the system is similar to 

playing a game

an algorithm is developed to organise the usage distribution in the system,  based on three main rules.
The first rules defines the game board.
And the second rule states the requirement to enter the game,
last but not least, the third rule is the principle of distributing uses, which must be distributed in a way that ensures access.

The game is user-generated.

to start the game, the user first runs through a series of plot preferences that are social and physical based.

The game is inter-dependent.

the available configuration of usage and access route is constantly changing depending on need and schedule of the users.

The game is flexible.

And after registered in they system, the user can always manage the units by providing access or use of time based on their daily schedule.

For example, a single mother and daughter can buy monthly use of 3 plots that is solo based.

And shower, toilet and kitchen and garden that is collaboration based.

During weekday they would always provide hourly use of the bigger plot when they go to school and work.

And occasionally, they would buy one hour solo use of a bath.

Or a startup office can buy 5 days use of collaborated based plots with amenities of desks and chairs provided

And finding themselves sharing the space with a cafe

And after their usage is done, the space is then used by another user for a temporary exhibition.

Through user participation, the ownership, usage, and identity of private and public is constantly in flux.